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Open to all middle & high school age youth. Our goal is to be a safe, welcoming and fun place for teens to explore what the Bible says about everyday topics and hang out with old and new friends. Look what's coming up...





6 PM


What to expect

AFTERSHOCK SUNDAY is an opportunity to learn more and come closer to Jesus. We'll dig deeper and discover how the Bible can be relevant to daily life. In a small group setting, we'll explore ways to better deal with life's challenges. And, of course, there'll be food! We're saving a seat for you!

Meets at 9 AM in upstairs youth room - Dismissal at 9:50AM

AFTERSHOCK WEDNESDAY is a great place to connect with friends and make new friends. The night is jam-packed with fun and games while connecting with other students and discovering important Biblical truths. Here's how the evening typically plays out...

  • Hang out time made even better with food!

  • Time of Praise and Worship and Lesson

  • Small Group Breakout for a deeper look- Girls & Guys Groups

Meets at 6PM in upstairs youth room - Dismissal at 7:30PM 


February 12 - Wednesday Night Aftershock Youth Group, 6-7:30pm, meal at 5:30

February 19 - Wednesday Night Aftershock Youth Group, 6-7:30pm, meal at 5:30

February 26 - Wednesday Night Aftershock Youth Group, 6-7:30pm, meal at 5:30

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